South Africa's Premium Online Event and Ticket Sales Platform!

Sell event tickets online through our modern platform. From creation to sales, it's simple. Enjoy the convenience of online ticketing, including QR code scanners for easy entry.

event page landing event page cart scanner whatsapp order sales dashboard sold out event

Music Festivals

Quick sales for large audiences. Our servers are amongst the best in the world and handle large volume sales and scanning.


Various city and daily ticketing options available. Complex combo and time frame options.

Bespoke Events

For planners who have a limited audience and want quick and easy sales.

Hosting an event? Go big with uTickets and sign up

Sell Tickets

Scan your
own tickets

We have developed a QR code scanner that works on any and as many mobile devices as you like. No special equipment or apps needed. Share the link with your staff and let them scan customers in.

We also offer scanning staff to assist at your event.

Great looking event page

Give your patrons a beautiful event page featuring an on-page purchasing experience. We allow customers to checkout without the need to log in or create accounts. Easy checkout and less abandoned carts.

Tickets are sent to email and whatsapp

Customers will receive their tickets via whatsapp and email. This is a feature we know event planners and customers will enjoy, making tickets easy to share, locate and scan.

Easy to use dashboard with great features

Create, duplicate and update events, scan tickets, view real-time sales, export PDFs, generate complimentary tickets, refund customers, pay yourself and more. If you need functionality speak to us and we can look at adding it.

Straight forward fees

For everything that is included we charge 4-7% (including VAT) per ticket sold, the rest is yours. There are no hidden fees or charges. If a customer buys a ticket for R10, we take 40-70 cents. Complimentary tickets are free of charge.

150 tickets sold
R 100 each
sales R 15,000
to you R 13,950
to us R 1,050

Start selling tickets online today

There are no payments or bank details needed. Signing up is quick and free. Get your event or activity online and start selling today.

Contact us

We are easy to get a hold of. You can chat with us online, send an email, or call us directly. No query is too big or small.